Course description

Once your client finds the perfect home for their needs, it’s time to submit an offer to the seller. This part of the process uses an agent’s highest level of skills, as clients are often anxious about the outcome. This course is designed to show agents how to craft and present an offer to increase the seller’s desire to accept it, and covers what to do when your receive a counteroffer.

In this two-part course, we’ll cover:

  • The process involved in making an offer
  • How to talk with your clients about the process
  • How to write up and present an offer for your clients
  • Elements that influence an offer’s acceptance
  • What to expect after you present the offer
  • Handling a counteroffer
  • Negotiating basics
  • Getting the final contract signed

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Making an Offer for Your Real Estate Client

    • Part 1 - Learn how to facilitate the process of submitting an offer to a seller for your clients.
    • Course Notes - Making an Offer For Your Client, Part 1
    • Part 2
    • Course Notes - Making an Offer for Your Real Estate Client, Part 2